The project is co-financed within “The European Route of Brick Gothic” from the means of the European Union (The European Regional Development Fund) within the program BSR INTERREG III B.
Multimedia Tourist Information Kiosks will be located in the places visited most frequently by both tourist and inhabitants of Chelmno. The kiosks’ role is to improve the tourist information system in the city and to spread information about the project “The European Route of Brick Gothic” around Poland.
He project involves creating a new website of the city translated into the following languages: English, German, French and Russian as well as placing 4 Infokiosks providing round-the-clock access to information about hotels, restaurants, tourist attractions, and cultural events in the city and on the territory of EuRoB.
The project is due to be finished on 30th May 2006.
Multimedia Tourist Information Kiosks will be located in the places visited most frequently by both tourist and inhabitants of Chelmno. The kiosks’ role is to improve the tourist information system in the city and to spread information about the project “The European Route of Brick Gothic” around Poland.
He project involves creating a new website of the city translated into the following languages: English, German, French and Russian as well as placing 4 Infokiosks providing round-the-clock access to information about hotels, restaurants, tourist attractions, and cultural events in the city and on the territory of EuRoB.
The project is due to be finished on 30th May 2006.
He leader of the project is:
DV – German Association for Housing, Urban and Spatial Development
Georgenstraße 21
10117 Berlin
t +49 (0)30/206 41 690
f +49 (0)30/206 41 691